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Wachuma Plant Medicine Ceremonies

Please be sure to read all information before registering so you are properly prepared for this healing journey

What is Grandfather Wachuma?

Along with Ayahuasca, Tobacco and Mama Coca; Wachuma is one of Peru’s most Sacred Plant Medicines and spiritual bridge. Wachuma ceremonies date back thousands of years throughout Andean cultures; these highly evolved civilizations established one of their many connections with the Divine spirit and creator through these sacred ceremonies.

Wachuma's purpose is to open the hearts of those who have lost the sacred connection we all have with Mother Earth. This heart-opening ceremony is one special way to align our body, temple, Body, Mind, and Spirit with nature and the Divine source.


Grandfather Wachuma is used for prayer, communing with nature, gaining access to the spiritual world, expanding consciousness, and healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Our ceremonies have been passed down from generation to generation, ensuring the purity of the Medicine Keepers, and have been kept in their most organic form, the way our ancestors, the Inca People led them. 



Ceremony Preparation 

 The most important part of the preparation for this unique ceremony is mental and internal, you must set an intention for the ceremony. Whether you are in a grieving process, breaking the ties of addiction, or searching for a deeper connection with yourself and the divine source, you must have a clear intention set that will then be worked on through the ceremony.


What if I am on medications?

If you have pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart conditions, thyroid conditions, mental illness, or similar please send us a message with your specific treatment or medication's name.


What to bring for ceremony?

  •  Blanket

  •  Yoga Mat 

  •  Water for yourself

  •  Light plant based food to share with the group after the ceremony 

  • Hat

  • Bug Repellent

  • Sunscreen 

  • Personal SMALL Alter items such as crystals or amulets.

  • Please wear ceremony appropriate clothing: NO mini skirts ect. (our way of dressing for ceremony is a  mirror of the respect we have for our sacred medicines and the Medicine Keepers leading the ceremony. )



you will also receive teachings and tools from our Medicine Keepers to continue growing on your spiritual path.

Ceremony Duration: 10-12 hours (this is the time we will be together)

The medicine will be in you for about 18 hours

Ceremony Exchange: $370 per person

DIET Before and after  CEREMONY

Our Diet and recommendations are designed to keep you safe and to respect the Medicine of Grandfather Wachuma.



If you can,please begin this diet 3 days prior the ceremony date you wish to attend:


Abstain from sexual activity. This encompasses all methods of releasing sexual energy. 


 3 days before  the Ceremony please pay special attention to the foods you are eating and begin eliminating these foods from your meals:

  • dairy

  • spicy foods

  • garlic

  • citrus

  • ginger

  • onion

  • coffee

  • sodas

  • junk food

  • salty snacks

  • processed foods

  • red meat

  • pork

  • ice cream

  • fermented foods/drinks

  • alcohol apple cider vinegar

  • Green tea

  • chicken


Covid 19 protocols (2023) 


We respect the medical liberty of all our guests, if you have a cold or feel under the weather, please kindly stay at home and be conscientious that our Medicine Man is of age and we, as a collective must protect his health and well-being.


"Through responsibly and honesty we will journey far as a community" - Shiqwarkenty Bajiyoperak




you will also receive teachings and tools from our Medicine Keepers to continue growing on your spiritual path.


Ceremony Duration: 10-12 hours ( the time we will be together in ceremony)

The medicine will be in you for about 18 hours

Ceremony Leaders and Medicine Keepers


 The Willkasara Medicine Family of Peru who has been serving the spiritual community around the globe for over 50 years through workshops, spiritual retreats, personalized healing sessions, and Plant Medicine Ceremonies. The Willkasara Medicine family's mission is to guide each person back to themselves and uncover the healer within, in order to achieve that mission, first we must liberate ourselves from trauma, addictions, losses, and any obstacles that do not allow us to transcend and move forward in our spiritual growth. 

 Willkasara's life's mission is to help individuals and families unlock the wisdom we hold within. Over the years they have been carrying their traditions and sacred ceremonies across the world to share with those whose hearts are open for transformation


Is a third-generation Medicine Keeper form a lineage of Medicine People. His lineage is related to the Waro Panaca, a pre-Inka Society. Wachan's father was a very well-known Chawpy Misa carrier ( Inka priest ) "I feel blessed to have been born in such a sacred land, and to have the privilege of caring on the ancient teachings and following the path of the ancient ones." Wachan has over 50 years of experience leading and facilitating Wachuma Plant Medicine Ceremonies around the world, helping people recover from ailments and addictions through teachings, spiritual counseling and Plant Medicine ceremonies of his People the Incas

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Descendent of the Kogi people, the keepers of harmony for humanity has dedicated her life to carry on the legacy of the Kogi people and bring teachings of harmony with Mother Earth through the Sacred Plant Medicines. Form an early age Martika has been on many pilgrimages to the sacred mountains to gather the sacred music, and ceremonies of the Andes of Colombia and Peru. " Through the Sacred sound and our ceremonies we connect with Mother Earth and we are able to keep the balance for humanity."


Daughter of Wachan and Martika,  a 4th generation Medicine Keeper. Born in Cusco, Peru. Since early childhood, Shiqwarkenty was brought up in Ceremony carrying on her traditions and ancient healing techniques of her culture and her long lineage directly connected to the Powerful Medicine People of the Andes and Quechua Nation.


 Shiqwarkenty's mission is to integrate families and youth with spiritual practices to enrich our life experiences, providing healing and Transformation.

Shiqwarkenty is a skilled sound healer and System Engineer.

Upcoming Events (3 dates + CTA)-14.png

Sacred ceremony Registration

Do you have expirience with Plant Medicine?
Last Ceremony Date before our jorney home

 If you have any questions or concerns, please Reach us directly through WhatsApp +1 323 984 8509

Thank you for registering you will receive a confirmation email soon!

Ceremony USA

"Once you sit in a Ceremony with Wachuma, you won't see life the same again."


La ceremonia fue hermosa y mágica. Wachan y Martika son guías increibles y amorosas. Crean un contenedor seguro para que tu corazón se expanda y fluya. Las lecciones que se revelaron fueron simples pero profundas. La sabiduría y las historias de Wachan me recordaron estar presente, hacer todas las cosas con amor, ver la magia en las cosas y vivir con alegría y gratitud.

Any Cooper
Wachan y Martika tienen un espacio de medicina tan auténtico y poderoso. Son una Conexión Pura de Amor, Respeto y Gratitud. transformación y respeto


Puede ser difĆ­cil hacer justicia con palabras de lo que realmente se debe sentir para entender, harĆ© todo lo posible para transmitir el amor, la exploraciĆ³n y la conexiĆ³n experimentada durante mi tiempo con Wachan, Martika y Shiqwarkenty.


. Las expediciones sagradas de Willkasara son personalizadas, curativas y de apoyo. Mis expectativas se superaron con creces y cada dĆ­a crecĆ­a un vĆ­nculo mĆ”s profundo y cercano con la Tierra que me rodeaba, conmigo mismo y con mis compaƱeros de viaje. 


El paisaje, si puedes creerlo, fue realmente realzado en su gran belleza por la mĆŗsica acompaƱada de Willkasara. 


Ā”Nuestros anfitriones mostraron devotamente la atenciĆ³n al detalle y los recordatorios constantes de vivir con intenciĆ³n y atenciĆ³n plena y actualmente sigo practicando muchas de sus meditaciones hoy! 


Si estĆ”s leyendo esto, supongo que tienes curiosidad. Deje que su espĆ­ritu continĆŗe guiĆ”ndolo hacia y a travĆ©s de esta experiencia que le abre el corazĆ³n. šŸ’“


Qué hermoso regalo de un viaje, con una familia extraordinaria. Tierras sagradas e historias, guías convertidos en amigos. Cada momento un descubrimiento por dentro y por fuera.

I had no idea what to expect on my trip to Peru with Willkasara but what I experienced was far beyond what I could have imagined. Not only did I experience the beauty of the land, the sweetness of the people, the amazing local cuisine, the rich history of the place but what was really amazing was what I experience inside of myself. The sacred land & the wisdom of the Inca became alive in me through the amazing ceremonies & powerful guidance of our guides. Our guides didn't only show us & tour us through the ancient ruins but they gave us the experience of the ancient people. What I experienced was beyond amazing. It was the experience of joy, happiness, love, peace of mind, connection, clarity of thought, wisdom, simply said mind-blowing. If you've never been to Peru you are missing out & I would not experience Peru with anyone else. Willkasara is the only group I know that can give you the spirit & feeling of Peru beyond being a tourist. In Peru I became an experiencist. Wachan, Martika, Shiqwarkenty you were our guides & now you are our family. Thank you Thank you Thank you... Forever in gratitude for the incredible people you are...
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